Obtaining Information About Compressors and Decompressors

The following example uses the ICGetInfo10NQ.GV function to obtain information about a compressor or decompressor.


ICGetInfo(hIC, &ICInfo, sizeof(ICInfo));


The following example uses the ICGetDefaultKeyFrameRate4AZ6_L6 and ICGetDefaultQuality8HTO.4 macros to obtain the default values.

DWORD dwKeyFrameRate, dwQuality;

dwKeyFrameRate = ICGetDefaultKeyFrameRate(hIC);

dwQuality = ICGetDefaultQuality(hIC);


The following example uses the ICQueryAboutQU0SJO and ICAbout1828_V2 macros to display an About dialog box for the compressor or decompressor, if the dialog box exists.

// If the compressor has an About dialog box, display it.


if ( ICQueryAbout(hIC)) ICAbout(hIC, hwndApp);